Portable oxygen concentrators are lightweight devices that enable people with respiratory problems to restore a sense of normalcy to their daily lives.
Portable oxygen concentrators are relatively light and eliminate the need to tote around heavy, and potentially dangerous, oxygen cannisters.
The portable oxygen concentrator provides both primary and secondary benefits that enhance the quality of life for those with respiratory issues.
16 Benefits Of Portable Oxygen Concentrators
Below our team of health and wellness experts have brought together their list of the 16 most significant benefits of portable oxygen concentrators.
1: A portable oxygen concentrator lets you regain your independence.
People who suffer from respiratory afflictions tend to isolate. Moving is a chore, and they do not want to be seen in public struggling to draw a breath. A portable oxygen concentrator can give these people a discreet and effective way to alleviate their condition and regain their independence.
2: A portable oxygen concentrator will relieve respiratory distress.
The World Health Organization estimates that as many as a billion people suffer from some form of respiratory disease today (1). A significant percentage of these people never have their condition properly diagnosed. If you feel constantly short of breath, talk to your doctor. A portable oxygen concentrator may be able to help.
3: A portable oxygen concentrator will help you get and stay alert.
If you have ever engaged in vigorous exercise, you know how alert you feel afterward (2). That is the result of having increased amounts of oxygen in your lungs and brain. A portable oxygen concentrator can replicate this effect by increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood. As a result, you will feel more alert and better able to handle the challenges of the day.
4: A portable oxygen concentrator will help you sleep better.
Those who suffer from sleep apnea (3) and COPD often have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. As a result, they go through the day fatigued and unable to perform up to their mental and physical capabilities. A portable oxygen concentrator can be used in conjunction with a CPAP unit to help people with these conditions get the deep, restful sleep they need.
5: A portable oxygen concentrator will reduce the chance of hypoxia.
Hypoxia is a result of not enough oxygen in the blood (4). Symptoms include shortness of breath, lightheadedness, disorientation, and bluish skin. A portable oxygen concentrator can alleviate the symptoms of hypoxia. And, more importantly, prevent hypoxia from occurring in the first place.
6: A portable oxygen concentrator will improve physical endurance.
One of the most important benefits of working out is increased oxygen to the brain. But people with respiratory conditions often have a difficult time exercising. A portable oxygen concentrator can act like a jump starter that provides the oxygen your muscles need to engage in vigorous walks. That, in turn, results in more oxygen to the brain and less need for supplemental oxygen.
7: A portable oxygen concentrator eliminates the need for bulky oxygen tanks.
There are some oxygen tanks today that only weigh a few pounds. However, they only supply 30 – 40 minutes of oxygen before they need to be replaced. If you want to go out, that sort of time limit is not going to do. Which means you will need a larger tank. And larger tanks can weigh anywhere from 20 to 130 pounds. By contrast, a portable oxygen concentrator can provide a continuous feed of oxygen all day, and some weigh less than five pounds.
8: A portable oxygen concentrator can help improve your outlook.
A lack of oxygen to the brain can create confusion, memory loss, loss of motor function, and more (5). People who receive the right amount of oxygen typically sleep better, think clearer, and have a more positive outlook on life. A portable oxygen concentrator can deliver these benefits for what usually amounts to just a few dollars a day.
9: A portable oxygen concentrator is safer than using oxygen tanks.
Oxygen tanks were a lifeline for generations of those suffering from respiratory conditions. But they were, and are, a significant safety hazard. Oxygen can turn the smallest spark into an intense fire. All it takes is the presence of a lit cigarette near an oxygen tank to cause mayhem, and even death (6).
10: A portable oxygen concentrator can be customized to meet your needs.
Portable oxygen concentrators are not a take-it-or-leave-it, one-size-fits-all device. Working with your doctor, you can find just the right one for you, and adjust it to precisely fit your particular needs. Whether you have COPD (7), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or any other respiratory condition, your portable oxygen concentrator will provide effective relief.
11: Portable oxygen concentrators are available in a variety of styles and sizes.
Another great thing about portable oxygen concentrators is that you have so many to choose from. And they are not the big, bulky oxygen tanks of yesterday. Many are about the size of a purse and come with their own stylish over the shoulder bags or backpacks and discreet air tubes. There’s no need to call unwanted attention to yourself.
12: A portable oxygen concentrator can be taken on an airplane.
Many people with little experience with oxygen therapy are afraid they will not be able to fly with a portable oxygen concentrator. In the past, airlines were reluctant to allow oxygen tanks on board. But portable oxygen concentrators do not use oxygen tanks. So both the FAA and TSA allow these devices onboard commercial airplanes.
13: A portable oxygen concentrator can get you back behind the wheel.
While some conditions will disqualify a person from driving, not everyone using a portable oxygen concentrator needs to give up their license (8). You can drive while using supplemental oxygen. Just make sure you discuss the matter with the DMV in your state first. They likely have specific regulations that need to be followed.
14: A portable oxygen concentrator is actually cheaper than supplemental oxygen.
Portable oxygen concentrators are not cheap. But once you purchase the device, there is nothing else to buy. Those who use supplemental oxygen tanks need to constantly pay for new tanks if they wish to use oxygen outside the home. That is because Medicare will only cover the cost of a home-based oxygen system (9) if they agree to cover any oxygen-related costs.
15: A portable oxygen concentrator can provide continuous use.
The batteries on most portable oxygen concentrators will typically last anywhere from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the settings. But, in fact, you can plug it in while at home, plug it into the car while driving to the mall, use the battery while shopping, plug it back into the car to drive home, and plug it in again when you get home. You never have to be without the oxygen you need.
16: A portable oxygen concentrator can ensure better overall health.
The sum total of all the benefits you will derive from a portable oxygen concentrator is better overall health. You will feel more mentally alert, more physically vibrant, and enjoy a better overall outlook on life. You will be able to get out more, enjoy nature, travel to exotic locations, socialize with family and friends, and even exercise. This list is virtually endless.
The benefits of portable oxygen concentrators extend beyond the positive health effects they produce to encompass vital lifestyle benefits that enable people with respiratory conditions to restore a semblance of normalcy to their daily routines.