Men over 50 have specific nutritional needs that must be addressed if they are to ward off any number of health problems.
Multivitamins for men over 50 are an easy, affordable way for older men to get the nutrients they need to maintain robust health.
Below, our team of experts have assembled their list of the most important benefits of multivitamins for men over 50.
10 Benefits Of Multivitamins For Men Over 50
From boosting the immune system to improving eye health here are the 10 most important benefits of multivitamins for men over 50.
1: Multivitamins for men over 50 can help boost their immune system.
As we age our immune system trends ever downward (1), unless we take steps to arrest or at least slow this decline. Vitamins B6, C and E all provide crucial support to the immune system (2). When a healthy immune system is combined with the resistance the older man has built to certain pathogens during his lifetime, the result is a much-reduced chance of succumbing to conditions like pneumonia. Which claim the lives of so many older individuals (3).
2: Multivitamins for men over 50 may help prevent heart disease.
Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in both men and women worldwide. In recent years evidence has emerged that multivitamins rich in antioxidants including vitamins C and E can help older men reduce the risk of developing heart disease (4). Of course, to enjoy any such benefit you will need to be a non-smoker and eat a reasonably healthy diet as well.
3: Multivitamins for men over 50 help fill in nutritional gaps.
As men get older they often pay less attention to their nutritional needs. To make matters worse the aging body typically does not absorb nutrients with the same efficiency it did when the man was younger. And all-too-often older men on fixed incomes simply don’t want to spend extra on nutritious foods. As a result nutritional gaps can emerge. Multivitamins are a convenient and inexpensive way to ensure men over 50 fill in any nutrient gaps left by poor dietary habits.
4: Multivitamins for men over 50 can help improve memory.
There are a lot of potential factors that weigh on memory. Poor circulation caused by a sedentary life can rob the brain of oxygen. This can and does affect memory. Anemia causes the number of red blood cells to plummet and this too robs the brain of oxygen and affects memory. A lack of vitamin B12 is also thought to have a negative impact on memory (5). A multivitamin can provide the B12 your brain needs, along with vitamin D to spur red blood cell production and other vitamins that provide the energy needed to counteract sedentary tendencies (6).
5: Multivitamins for men over 50 can help reduce overall cancer risk.
While more research needs to be done recently published data suggests that multivitamins can reduce a man’s risk of developing cancer in general and prostate cancer specifically. There is also scientific evidence to suggest that multivitamin supplements can reduce the risk of colon cancer (7).
6: Multivitamins for men over 50 help them build stronger bones.
As people age they tend to spend less time outdoors than they did in their younger years. This is understandable but it can lead to a vitamin D deficiency. That’s because the sun is a major source of vitamin D production (8). Multivitamins can offset vitamin D lost by not going outside as much. Most every men’s 50+ multivitamin on the market contains vitamin D. Many also contain calcium. That’s good because these two work together to help build stronger bones.
7: Multivitamins for men over 50 enhance the effectiveness of workouts.
Researchers have discovered that not only is it possible for older individuals to retain muscle mass as they age, it is also possible for them to build muscle mass as they age (9). That is, it’s entirely possible to go from being overweight and out of shape at 60 to lean, muscular and highly energetic at 70. But while resistance training for older men can do wonders for their overall health they need to maintain proper nutrition. And a good multivitamin taken on a daily basis can help them do that.
8: Multivitamins for men over 50 boost energy levels.
They do this by ensuring you continue to fulfill your nutritional needs as you age. Without proper nutrition everything from the creation of red blood cells to the creation of muscle to the ability to activate muscles begins to suffer. Since red blood cells carry the oxygen necessary to power your muscles ensuring your body is producing enough red blood cells is critical. Multivitamins can help ensure that you do that.
9: Multivitamins for men over 50 can help fight free radicals.
For those unfamiliar with the term ‘free radicals’ suffice to say that being able to fight them is an important feature of multivitamins. Free radicals (10) are known to be one of the primary causes of cellular death and degradation which causes age-related health problems. The most effective natural defense against the scourge of free radicals is the antioxidant (11). Vitamins C and E are natural antioxidants. As such, they help prevent oxidation, which is the process that causes certain atoms to lose an electron and become ‘free radicals’.
10: Multivitamins for men over 50 can help improve eye health.
As people age their eyesight tends to deteriorate (12). Some of this is normal. In other cases it may have something to do with a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency for instance can lead to night blindness and other problems (13). While a shortage of vitamin B12 can lead to blurry vision (14). It may also create long term damage to the optic nerve if left untreated. The bottom line is that if you want to retain your good vision well into old age you would be wise to take a multivitamin.
As is the case with women over 50, men over 50 have very specific nutritional needs that often are not met simply by way of the food they eat. They need to supplement their diet with multivitamins in order to prevent nutrient shortfalls and the numerous problems that can create.