An insulin pen is a small pen-shaped device that provides diabetics with a safe and effective alternative to often painful and inconvenient syringes.
Insulin pens deliver pre-measured doses and free the individual of having to fumble with syringes and vials while trying to get on with their day.
Insulin pens improve the quality of life of insulin-dependent individuals while also providing an array of secondary benefits.
18 Benefits Of Insulin Pens
Insulin pens provide a variety of benefits for insulin-dependent people. Below are 18 of the most important benefits as determined by our panel of health experts.
1: Insulin pens are convenient.
An insulin pen replaces the disposable syringes and vials of insulin most diabetics have been carrying around for years. Instead, they now have a single pen that can be slipped into purse or pocket. If they need to take insulin, the whole process is reduced to seconds with the insulin pen. It is the kind of convenience that makes a quantifiable difference in the quality of life for those with diabetes.
2: Insulin pens ensure accurate dosing.
The challenge of insulin therapy has always been to provide just the right dose of just the right type of insulin in every situation. Trying to ensure you are getting exactly what you need is not easy when using a syringe and vial. The insulin pen delivers precisely measured doses, removing the uncertainty of measuring things yourself.
3: Insulin pens are a good choice for seniors.
Type II diabetes takes many years to develop (1) and is typically the result of poor food choices, obesity, and lack of exercise. Seniors comprise the biggest single group of type II diabetics. Many seniors, however, also struggle with other conditions that make using syringes problematic. An insulin pen can solve this problem and enable seniors to get the insulin they need.
4: Insulin pens are very discreet.
It is not always easy to predict when you will need to take insulin. If you are out and about and find you need a dose, but there is no restroom handy, you essentially have to conduct your private business while the world watches. An insulin pen is so discreet and quick that you can get the insulin you need in seconds without anyone knowing.
5: Insulin pens can reduce the dread of injections.
Most non-diabetics do not spend much time thinking about injections until they need to get one from their doctor. Only then are they aware what a disturbing experience it can be. Now imagine going through that three or four times every day of your life? Many diabetics understandably dread the idea of the next shot. An insulin pen can help alleviate some of that dread.
6: Insulin pens are a good choice for children.
Kids and syringes have always been a concerning aspect of insulin treatment. Some kids take to doing their own injections quickly. Others are reticent because they are afraid they might make a mistake. Still, it’s important they learn to take control of their diabetes (2). An insulin pen can make the transition easier by greatly reducing the risk of something going wrong.
7: Insulin pens are easy to use.
Not every diabetic gets comfortable with the syringe and vial method of insulin delivery. For some, it is a never-ending source of stress and dread. The insulin pen alleviates a great deal of the anxiety surrounding the syringe and vial method and allows people to rest easy knowing they are taking proper care of themselves too.
8: Insulin pens are a time-saver.
Getting out a syringe and a vial, drawing insulin from the vial, making sure there are no air bubbles in the syringe, and that you have exactly the right amount of insulin takes time. With the insulin pen, you simply take it out, decide where to inject and inject. It’s the difference between a couple of minutes and a couple of seconds. And when your blood sugar is spiking seconds count.
9: Insulin pens reduce waste.
Measuring and administering insulin using a disposable syringe and a vial is an inexact science. Often, diabetics wind up either giving themselves more insulin than they need or leaving insulin in the syringe. In addition, every syringe is individually wrapped for safety reasons. And while that is understandable, it is not exactly eco-friendly. An insulin pen reduces all kinds of waste associated with insulin therapy.
10: Insulin pens can store your recent injection history.
Over time, high blood sugar can damage brain cells and lead to various types of cognitive decline, including memory loss (3)(4). As a result, older individuals sometimes lose track of how much insulin they have taken and when. Some of the higher-end insulin pens have memory chips that store information on your recent injections and displays it for you to see.
11: Insulin pens are easy to travel with.
Making sure you always have syringes and vials of insulin with you when you travel can be a pain. If you forget one or the other, you could wind up in a very tight spot. An insulin pen reduces the number of things you have to remember to 1. It makes everything easier whether you are heading out on a business trip or crossing the pond for a dream vacation.
12: Insulin pens make adjusting your dose easy.
Adjusting your dose on the fly when using a syringe and vial can be a stressful experience. An insulin pen removes the uncertainty and reduces the entire process to little more than a twist of a nob on your insulin pen. Simply dial up the desired amount, and you are ready to go.
13: Insulin pens are less painful than syringes.
Disposable syringes often have thicker needles than the ones you will find at the end of an insulin pen. This means the insulin pen is almost always less painful to use than a disposable syringe. Also, many diabetics reuse their disposable syringes to save money. But each time the syringe is reused, it suffers an increasing amount of degradation and becomes even more painful.
14: Insulin pens reduce the chance of accidental overdose.
If you cannot see clearly how much insulin is in the syringe, or you have forgotten when you took your last shot and how much was involved, accidental overdose, also known as hypoglycemia (5), is a real possibility. The insulin pen dramatically reduces the odds of an accidental insulin overdose, making the entire administration process much less stressful.
15: Insulin pens negate the need to have vials of insulin around.
Toting vials of insulin everywhere has, up to now, been standard operating procedure for most diabetics. There was simply no choice. You either stayed home all the time, or you took your vials with you when you went out. The insulin pen means you no longer have to have vials of insulin clanging around in your purse, pocket, or briefcase.
16: Insulin pens can be more affordable in the long run.
Insulin pens are not cheap. But if your insurance covers most of the cost, refillable insulin pens may wind up being more affordable per injection than syringes and insulin vials. That’s a big ‘if’ we know. But many insurance policies will cover insulin pens. Find out if yours will.
17: Insulin pens enhance your quality of life.
There can be little debate that an insulin pen enhances the overall quality of life for most diabetics that use them. They simplify the insulin administration process, reduce dosing errors, eliminate the need to tote around syringes and vials of insulin, and enable you to administer a dose quickly and discreetly. The net effect is better overall health and enhanced quality of life.
18: Insulin pens are good for those with poor vision.
Despite our best efforts, our vision gradually deteriorates as we age (6). This, in turn, makes it difficult for seniors with diabetes who need to be able to see clearly when using a syringe and vial to administer insulin. An insulin pen compensates for poor vision by providing exactly the amount of insulin you need quickly and painlessly. No more struggling to determine how much insulin is in the syringe.
Insulin pens are a convenient, reliable way for diabetics to recieve the insulin they need without having to fumble with vials and needles. Insulin pens are discreet, easy to use, reduce insulin-related waste and are generally considered to be less painful than traditional syringes. Ask your doctor if an insulin pen is right for you.