Fertility apps allow women to determine whether they are likely to conceive. They can also be used as a form of natural birth control, letting women know when they are at their least fertile.
Although different fertility apps leverage different biochemical markers to draw their conclusions they all strive to provide useful information regarding a woman’s reproductive cycle.
Below, our health and wellness experts have compiled their list of the top benefits of today’s best fertility apps.
14 Benefits Of Fertility Apps
Below are 14 of the most important benefits produced by today’s best fertility apps.
1: A fertility app can help you conceive.
Sometimes, all you need to conceive is a little help determining when is the perfect time. Women have been keeping written diaries of their menstrual activity for centuries. But recent studies demonstrate that such handwritten records are often inaccurate (1). A fertility app can help you keep more accurate records and do a better job determining your time of optimal fertility.
2: A fertility app helps you learn about yourself.
As humans, we tend to take the bodies we are born into and their functions for granted. So when difficulties arise we have little idea what could be behind them. A fertility app helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of your reproductive system. It can also be the catalyst that drives you to seek a greater understanding of your body in general.
3: A fertility app provides useful insights.
Putting the lessons learned from using a fertility app into practice can save you time and prevent needless missteps in your quest to conceive. You can be sure to have sex on the days when it matters most. You may discover that you need some sort of professional assistance. And you may even discover that the problem is not yours at all, but your partner’s.
4: A fertility app saves you trips to the doctor.
Historically, women have had to pay a visit to their ob-gyn to gain insight into their reproductive system. But while the doctor’s word is still the final word in many respects, a fertility app enables you to cut down on office visits by providing you high-quality, useful information. It’s like having a reproductive specialist on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
5: A fertility app can help you spot other problems.
Fertility apps do a good job helping you figure out when is the best time to conceive or not conceive. But they can also help you uncover other important information about your health, including whether you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (2) or endometriosis (3).
6: A fertility app will help you avoid pregnancy too.
Fertility apps are used for more than just planning pregnancies. They are also an effective birth control tool that helps women avoid unwanted pregnancies. They can do this because they not only determine when a woman is most fertile, but when she is least fertile as well. With this knowledge, she can make informed decisions regarding all aspects of her reproductive life.
7: A fertility app is affordable.
Even the most expensive fertility apps typically cost only pennies a day. That is, if they cost anything. Many are available free of charge, and many more developers offer both free and pay versions of their popular fertility apps. The fertility app can save you expensive trips to the doctor (4). That is money you can put aside instead for your baby when she or he arrives.
8: A fertility app can alert you to other health problems.
It is normal for your basal body temperature or BBT (5) to change a bit in the days leading up to ovulation. But it is not normal for it to fluctuate to any significant degree otherwise. If you are scrupulous in taking your BBT at the same time every day and you notice fluctuations, it may indicate an infection or some other health problem.
9: A fertility app helps you take control of your future.
Over the past few decades, women have been asserting ever greater control over their lives. The fertility app is one more tool to help you do just that. It enables you to learn more about your body, its workings, and its idiosyncrasies. After using a fertility app for a few months, you will likely gain valuable insights you can use to gain greater control, not just over your body, but over your future as well.
10: A fertility app does the hard work for you.
While it is true that a fertility app needs you to gather and enter the data, it does the hard work of making sense of that data. It does that by using machine learning, artificial intelligence (6), and algorithms created by reproductive experts that weigh the variables and continuously update the results in real-time. Even if you were an experienced statistician, it would take long hours to do the same work.
11: A fertility app provides community support.
We mentioned earlier that a fertility app can be fun as well as informative. Part of that is due to the social component many of these apps provide. They give you direct access to a vast community of women to share your experience, hope, and strength with. This type of support and engagement can go a long way toward alleviating feelings of isolation and confusion. You are not alone.
12: A fertility app is like a daily diary, only better.
If you have ever kept a diary, you know how useful it can be. Well, a fertility app is like a diary only better. You not only get the opportunity to record your thoughts and feelings, but you also have a chance to transform simple observations into data that can help the app help you.
13: A fertility app is secure.
No one wants their most private information to be on display for everyone to see. The best fertility apps enable you to maintain your privacy by securing your information behind a passcode or Touch ID system (7) that recognizes your fingerprint. That way, even if your phone is stolen or misplaced, you do not have to worry that someone is rifling through your personal information.
14: A fertility app allows you to share important information.
The knowledge you gain from your fertility tracker will be invaluable in helping you conceive. But it can also help your doctor provide you with more effective treatment. Some fertility apps will generate reports that you can email to your doctor. And you can always open the app when you are at the doctor’s office and discuss it with them directly.
Fertility apps provide useful information about a woman’s reproductive cycle that may help them conceive or avoid conceiving. At the same time a good fertility app can save trips to the doctor’s office, alert you to potential health issues and put you in touch with a larger community of women who share your hopes and concerns.