The electric wheelchair is a mobility device that runs on battery power and frees the user from the physical exertion required by standard wheelchairs.
Electric wheelchairs are being constantly improved and refined with the best electric wheelchairs today bearing little resemblance to their forebears.
Below our health and wellness team have assembled the 17 most important benefits of electric wheelchairs.
17 Benefits Of Electric Wheelchairs
The following are the top benefits of electric wheelchairs as determined by our team of experts.
1: Electric wheelchairs can be taken on most airplanes.
Many electric wheelchairs fold down to a very manageable size and can be taken on most commercial airliners (1). On some larger planes, a foldable electric wheelchair may be allowed in the passenger cabin. On smaller commercial planes, you may have to store it in the checked baggage compartment.
2: An electric wheelchair allows you to retain your independence.
Not everyone has the upper body strength to operate a manual wheelchair. Nor does everyone have a caregiver available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist them. With an electric wheelchair, you have the ability to decide where you want to go and when. You are no longer limited by what your arms will do on a given day. Nor do you wind up housebound if your caregiver is unavailable.
3: Electric wheelchairs are comfortable.
Electric wheelchairs are often much more comfortable than manual wheelchairs. They offer several kinds of padded seat cushions, padded armrests, tilting seatbacks, and more. You can ride around town all day long in complete comfort without breaking a sweat. Some high-end model electric wheelchairs have suspension systems that absorb shocks. And most have shock-absorbing inflatable tires.
4: Electric wheelchairs are easy to use.
Once seated in your electric wheelchair operation is simple and effortless. The joystick enables complete control, and the battery will provide you many miles of uninterrupted mobility. Most electric wheelchairs allow for extremely tight turns as well. So there is no danger of being caught in a tight spot at the supermarket or on a crowded sidewalk.
5: An electric wheelchair provides long-distance mobility.
Most electric wheelchairs have an operational range of 10 – 20 miles. If you have a fully charged backup battery with you that range expands to 20 – 40 miles. Few are the people who would ever need to go further than that in a single day. The bottom line is that wherever you need to go, your electric wheelchair will take you there.
6: Electric wheelchairs let you conserve your energy.
The wheelchair has been around for centuries (2). And there is no doubt the manual wheelchair revolutionized life for the disabled when it first came into widespread use some 150 years ago. But the manual wheelchair has always had one drawback: it is tiring to operate. An electric wheelchair allows the user to conserve their energy so they arrive at their destination refreshed and not exhausted.
7: Electric wheelchairs won’t take over your house.
Mobility scooters require a lot of space to move and to store. But a foldable electric wheelchair can be slipped into the hall closet until it is needed. Many are maneuverable enough to be used right inside the home as well. They can turn on a dime and be pulled up to the kitchen table at dinner time without having to move anything.
8: Electric wheelchairs make life easier for everyone.
Family, friends, and caregivers are invaluable when it comes to helping the disabled person move about in a standard wheelchair. But pushing a wheelchair can be a tiring experience no matter how young or strong a person might be. The electric wheelchair provides disabled persons with unparalleled levels of freedom, while also making things easier on the people that care for them.
9: An electric wheelchair is ready when you are.
If you are like most people, you will want to take full advantage of the freedom afforded you by your electric wheelchair. That is easy to do because the battery on these chairs can be fully recharged while you sleep so that it is ready to go in the morning. And if you make sure to always have a fully charged back up battery on hand, the sky’s the limit.
10: Electric wheelchairs are safer than manual wheelchairs.
The reason is that, with the weight of the electric motor under the seat, the center of gravity is much lower than that of a manual wheelchair. So the odds of tipping over are reduced. In addition, most electric wheelchairs have electromagnetic brakes (3) that can stop the chair quickly and safely in all conditions with no input necessary from the operator.
11: Electric wheelchairs are easy to maneuver.
Mastering effective and efficient motion in a manual wheelchair can take years. Even then, that type of chair is limited in what it can do. By comparison, the electric wheelchair has smaller, more nimble wheels, and turning radius no bigger than the chair itself. The joystick control also ensures that this precise control comes without effort on the part of the operator.
12: An electric wheelchair can handle most kinds of terrain.
It can sometimes be difficult for a person to navigate uneven sidewalks, paths, or parking lots in a manual wheelchair. Hills are another area of concern. But an electric wheelchair can easily glide over cracks, bumps and rough patches, as well as climb most hills with little effort. You will no longer need to avoid certain areas because of uneven terrain.
13: An electric wheelchair can help restore self-esteem.
No one wants to feel they are dependent upon others to get around. It is the kind of thing that can weigh on a person’s self-esteem. Those with manual wheelchairs often need to wait for help to arrive before they can venture out. Switching to an electric wheelchair can restore a sense of self-sustainability that can help improve a person’s outlook and bolster their self-esteem.
14: An electric wheelchair opens the world up to you.
An electric wheelchair can be used indoors and outdoors. You can use it to socialize or simply get some fresh air. You can run errands or visit the family. And it can be taken on the cruise ship (4) or airplane to empower you while on vacation. It is transformative technology that literally opens a world of possibilities for the disabled person.
15: Electric wheelchairs make dealing with huge airports much easier.
Over the past 20 years or so, many of the world’s cities built new airports. Many of these airports dwarf anything that existed before (5). And their terminals are like small cities unto themselves. Navigating these enormous structures can tire out even the healthiest of travelers. But with an electric wheelchair, you will glide quickly and effortlessly from gate to gate.
16: Electric wheelchairs can enhance your social life.
People unable to get around easily will often give up trying and begin to isolate. That is especially true of older individuals (6), whether they use a wheelchair or not. For those with no or minimal ability to walk, the danger of isolation is even more acute. An electric wheelchair can provide the mobility and independence they need and prevent a disabled person from sinking into isolation.
17: Electric wheelchairs come in a wide variety of styles.
Half a century ago wheelchairs all looked pretty much the same. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. Especially if we are talking about electric wheelchairs. Today’s electric wheelchairs may have a restrained, balanced look. Or they may have sleek, compelling designs that seem like a cross between a lunar rover and a racing bike. Either way, you will find one that suits your temperament.
Electric wheelchairs allow people with mobility issues to regain control over their lives by allowing them to shop, socialize and even engage in international travel. Electric wheelchairs are available in a variety of styles, boast impressive range and can be used by people of all ages.