The CPAP mask is used to deliver pressurized air to the user in order to keep their airway inflated and prevent episodes of sleep apnea.
The CPAP mask must be partnered with a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine which delivers the air to the mask.
The benefits of CPAP masks and CPAP therapy for those with sleep apnea cannot be overstated.
15 Benefits Of CPAP Masks
There is no separating the benefits of a good CPAP mask from the benefits of CPAP therapy. The mask is a vital component of the overall CPAP apparatus. Therefore, most of the benefits listed below will be directly related to the benefits of CPAP therapy itself.
1: A CPAP mask is part of an effective strategy to combat sleep apnea.
This is the most obvious reason to purchase a CPAP mask. The CPAP machine itself only pumps the pressurized air you need. That pressurized air still has to get from the hose into your airway to keep it open. The CPAP mask is how that is done. A high-quality CPAP mask will ensure your CPAP therapy is as effective as possible.
2: CPAP masks help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Sleep apnea is characterized by frequent bouts of hypoxia (1), where oxygen is cut off to the brain and heart. Chronic bouts of hypoxia can do damage to the heart muscle. That leaves you susceptible to heart disease and premature death. The right CPAP mask can help prevent you from developing heart disease.
3: A CPAP mask can help improve brain function.
Those bouts of hypoxia, along with the sleep disruptions sleep apnea causes, can have a negative effect on brain function. In some cases, sleep apnea can cause damage to the brain tissue itself. The result is reduced cognitive function. A good CPAP mask can enhance the effectiveness of CPAP treatment and improve overall mental function.
4: A CPAP mask can help reduce or prevent snoring.
Not everyone who snores suffers from sleep apnea. But snoring is nonetheless a common symptom of sleep apnea. The snoring can sometimes be extremely loud and irregular, and is a result of tissue in the throat blocking the airway. The right CPAP mask can ensure your airway remains open. And that can significantly reduce, and in some cases eliminate, snoring.
5: A CPAP mask can help reduce your risk of stroke.
People suffering from untreated sleep apnea are more likely than others to die of stroke (2). CPAP therapy can mitigate the effects of sleep apnea and reduce a person’s risk of stroke in the process. And the right CPAP mask can enhance the effectiveness of CPAP therapy.
6: A CPAP mask can help reduce your risk of dementia.
With each passing year, more evidence emerges linking sleep apnea with an increased risk of dementia (3). As more is revealed, one thing becomes clear: making sure you get the most from your CPAP therapy is more important than ever. The right CPAP mask can help you do that.
7: A CPAP mask can help restore emotional balance.
Sleep apnea produces a cascade of health problems, including mental health problems (4). Research indicates a link between sleep deprivation and anxiety disorders, bi-polar (5) disorder, and depression. By finding the right CPAP mask, you can help ensure you get the sleep you need to maintain emotional and psychological balance.
8: CPAP masks can help reduce high blood pressure.
In the early 2000s, researchers discovered that patients with high blood pressure often suffered from sleep apnea (6). Those same studies also revealed that CPAP treatment could reduce blood pressure in people with sleep apnea. If you suffer from both conditions, the right CPAP mask can help optimize the positive effects of CPAP treatment on your high blood pressure.
9: A CPAP mask will help you get ahead.
The right CPAP mask will help you get the deep, restful sleep you need. Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, that will pay handsome dividends. Getting enough sleep improves mental function, problem-solving abilities, and overall concentration (7). These are all qualities that can help a person get ahead in life.
10: CPAP masks can improve your sex life.
A large number of men with sleep apnea also suffer from erectile dysfunction (8). The exact physiological link is not entirely understood. But the evidence is clear and convincing. By finding the right mask to optimize their CPAP therapy, many of these men can enjoy a return to a normal sex life (9). It is not something that happens overnight, but it does happen.
11: A CPAP mask helps improve sleep quality.
Sleep apnea is disruptive to normal sleep patterns. As a result, many people with sleep apnea never feel as though they get a good night’s sleep. The right CPAP mask can help ensure the success of CPAP therapy and a return to normal, restful sleep for untold numbers of people.
12: A CPAP mask will help you be a better athlete.
Many people with sleep apnea are athletically gifted (10). Yet, because they are unable to get enough sleep, their reaction times and endurance suffer, and they are sometimes unable to make the split-second decisions their sport demands. Finding the right CPAP mask will enable athletes to get the sleep they need to realize their potential.
13: CPAP masks help reduce the risk of diabetes.
Treating sleep apnea with a CPAP machine can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce your chances of developing type II diabetes (11). Sleep apnea produces intermittent bouts of hypoxia. It is now known that repeated exposure to hypoxia affects the body’s ability to metabolize glucose. The result is out of control blood sugars and, in many cases, adult-onset diabetes.
14: CPAP masks help make better drivers.
A CPAP mask by itself is not going to take the wheel of the car from you and prevent an accident. But it will not have to. The National Safety Councils estimates that thousands of Americans each year die in accidents caused by drowsy drivers (12). By enabling people to get a good night’s sleep, the CPAP mask can help prevent them from dozing off behind the wheel.
15: CPAP masks are cost-effective.
When you consider all the potential short and long term benefits of CPAP therapy, a good CPAP mask is revealed for what it is: money well spent. For what amounts to just pennies per night, you can fend off a range of dangerous health conditions, and perhaps significantly extend your life. There are not many similarly-priced medical devices that can make such a claim.
A CPAP mask when used in conjunction with a CPAP machine can reduce episodes of sleep apnea, help improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of stroke, improve your sex life and help you get a good night’s sleep.