CBD (cannabidiol) oil is derived from the cannabis plant and has become popular in recent years as an alternative way to treat scores of health conditions.
CBD oil is free of THC, the psychoactive compound that produces the marijuana “high”, and so it is safe for just about everyone to use.
Most CBD benefits are the result of CBD’s robust anti-inflammatory properties, its ability to act as a neural protectant and its ability to provide relief from a wide variety of aches and pains.
Below our panel of experts have compiled their list of the 16 most important benefits of CBD oil.
16 Benefits of CBD
CBD oil is not a cure-all but there is a growing body of evidence that it comes pretty close to being just that. Here are the most notable benefits of CBD oil.
1: CBD oil will not get you high.
CBD oil is derived from ‘cannabidiol’, a compound found in plants of the ‘cannabis’ family. And while plants of the cannabis family include marijuana, the CBD oil on our list is not derived from marijuana. Instead, it is derived from marijuana’s cousin, hemp. CBD from hemp will not get you high because, unlike marijuana, hemp contains almost no THC (1).
2: CBD oil can alleviate pain.
One of the most promising benefits of CBD oil is its ability to alleviate many different types of pain. Whether you suffer from lower back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, or pain related to cancer, research indicates that CBD oil can help (2). Its primary vehicle for alleviating pain seems to be its anti-inflammatory properties.
3: CBD oil is non-addictive.
There are a host of medications that do an excellent job treating even the most extreme types of pain. The problem is these medicines – called opioids – are highly addictive (3). As such, they are the ultimate double-edged sword. On the one hand, they will eliminate your pain. On the other hand, they will likely saddle you with a life-altering addiction. CBD oil provides effective pain relief without the risk of addiction.
4: CBD oil can help lighten your mood.
CBD oil is known to researchers and clinical psychologists and psychiatrists for its ability to reduce anxiety and improve a person’s overall mood (4). It does this by affecting the neurotransmitter anandamide (5). Or, more accurately, by slowing the breakdown of anandamide. Since anandamide is known as the ‘bliss’ molecule, anything you can do to keep more of it in your brain is bound to improve your mood.
5: CBD oil can help reduce high blood pressure.
A small study published in 2017 strongly suggested that CBD oil can reduce blood pressure in otherwise healthy individuals (6). Granted, only a relative handful of people participated in this study. But the results were significant enough to warrant a call for further, large scale studies to determine if CBD oil should become a standard treatment for high blood pressure.
6: CBD oil has robust anti-inflammatory properties.
Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune response. When it functions properly, it removes dead cells associated with an injury and lays the foundation for tissue repair to commence. When it malfunctions, it contributes to everything from heart disease to cancer and is a major component of the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis (7). CBD oil can reduce inflammation.
7: CBD oil can be used to treat common skin conditions.
Earlier, we mentioned that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Research published in 2019 (8) indicates that those anti-inflammatory capabilities make it an effective treatment for two of the most common inflammatory skin conditions: psoriasis and dermatitis. If you suffer from either of these vexing conditions, that should be very good news.
8: CBD oil may be useful in helping to overcome addictions.
People attempting to quit drugs or cigarettes are often undone by the anxiety and emotions that accompany withdrawal (9). As we discussed earlier, CBD oil can reduce anxiety. This ability can be very useful when it comes to helping people quit drugs, alcohol, or smoking. A 2018 study confirms this (10), at least when it comes to cigarettes.
9: CBD oil can help stabilize blood glucose levels.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there may be as many as 100 million Americans who are either diabetic or pre-diabetic (11). That’s an astonishing number. A study published by the American Diabetes Association concluded the CBD oil might well represent an effective new way to control blood glucose levels (12) for people with type 2 diabetes.
10: CBD oil may help you get a good night’s sleep.
CBD’s ability to relieve anxiety and calm the mind has a multitude of benefits. One that a lot of people will appreciate is that it may help you get a better night’s sleep. We live in a sleep-deprived, stress-out world. More people than ever are walking around exhausted and burned out (13). CBD oil can help people get the restful sleep they need.
11: CBD oil is showing promise as a treatment for PTSD.
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome affects people from all walks of life who survive traumatic events. It is often seen in soldiers returning from war zones. CBD oil – with its known ability to reduce anxiety and calm the mind – is being tested as a possible treatment for PTSD, and researchers are optimistic about its potential (14).
12: CBD oil may help alleviate cancer-related symptoms.
Cancer and its various treatments produce many troubling symptoms, including nausea, constant pain, vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, depression, and more. The National Cancer Institute is getting behind the idea that CBD can help alleviate many of these symptoms (15). That would make dealing with both the disease and the side effects of treatment a lot easier.
13: CBD oil can help fight the effects of free radicals.
Free radicals are unbalanced atoms that course through the body scouring other atoms of electrons and causing cellular death. This process is known as ‘oxidative stress’ (16), and it’s responsible, at least in part, for bad skin, neurological problems, heart disease, infertility, premature aging, and more. The only enemy of free radicals are antioxidants. CBD oil is rich in antioxidants.
14: CBD oil may play a role in fending off Alzheimer’s disease.
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s yet. The best we can do is find ways to try and prevent its development. CBD oil may be one such way. Its anti-inflammatory ability prevents neurons from falling victim to free radicals (17), in theory reducing a person’s susceptibility to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Researchers stress, however, that large-scale studies are needed to verify this effect.
15: CBD oil may reduce acne.
Acne is another condition for which there is no known cure. However, several treatments have demonstrated varying levels of success when it comes to treating acne. One of the most promising is CBD oil. It seems CBD oil is able to prevent the secretion of sebum, (oil excreted by the body that plugs hair follicles and causes acne), and thereby significantly reduce acne outbreaks (18).
16: CBD oil is affordable.
When you consider all the benefits as well as the low incidence of side effects, CBD oil is an extraordinary value. While it may not seem so when you are shelling out $40 or $50 for a bottle of CBD, keep in mind that bottle will likely last several months and can help treat everything from arthritis pain to high blood pressure. While at the same time helping you sleep better, improving your mood, preventing diabetes, and more.
CBD oil has proven itself effective in alleviating pain, bolstering the immune system, lessening withdrawal symptoms for people trying to shake alcohol and drug addictions and may even have a role to play in helping to fend off Alzheimer’s disease. If you are looking for an alternative medicine that is 100% legit, consider asking your doctor about CBD oil.