CBD oil is derived from the hemp plant and provides a safe, effective way to treat a variety of ailments from arthritis to acne.
CBD oil is non-addictive and does not contain THC. Therefore, it will not make the user ‘high’. Instead, it accesses the body’s endocannabinoid system, where it acts as a neural protectant, pain reliever, and anti-inflammatory.
It seems new CBD oil products enter the marketplace nearly every week. Our team of experts put scores of them under the critical microscope and determined that the following are the best CBD oils of 2021.
1. EMPE CBD Oil Full Spectrum
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EMPE CBD oil is some of the highest quality, medically tested CBD oil on the market today. It is completely free of THC, contains no genetically modified organisms, and gets to work fast. Ideal for alleviating insomnia, skin conditions, anxiety, and more.
What we like: EMPE uses only organically grown, non-GMO hemp as the source for their outstanding full-spectrum CBD oil. It is entirely free of THC and is tested for both purity and potency before being released to market.
Flaws: Their guarantee does not apply if you have opened the product.
2. Absolute Nutrition Hemp Extract Oil Tincture
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Tinctures are considered by many to be the best delivery method for CBD oil. This CBD tincture from Absolute Nutrition is produced using the CO2 extraction method that safeguards the active ingredients. As a result, relief is not only fast but broad-based.
What we like: This is ultra-potent hemp oil extracted from the whole plant, not just the seed. It is certified both vegan and Kosher and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and free radical-fighting antioxidants.
Flaws: Not the best tasting CBD oil on the market. But it works.
3. Nutiva Organic Hemp Oil
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The source of Nutiva Organic Hemp Oil is Canadian grown organic hemp. The result is a potent CBD oil that is certified vegan, while also being keto and paleo-friendly. Use it on your salads and sauces and mix it with your protein shakes for effective workout recovery.
What we like: Nutiva uses the cold press extraction method, which produces an oil of exceptional purity and potency. They use only organically grown hemp that is free of GMOs and rich in both antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
Flaws: We are not crazy about the plastic bottle.
4. Nuleaf Full Spectrum CBD
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Nuleaf puts a lot of time and effort into ensuring their hemp sources are the best they can be. The result is a full spectrum CBD oil that has broad applicability and contains no GMOs or artificial additives, and is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants.
What we like: All the hemp used in Nuleaf Full Spectrum CBD oil is grown in Colorado using organic farming methods. Nuleaf CBD is some of the most potent on the market and is blissfully free of artificial ingredients that might compromise efficacy.
Flaws: Quality is hardly ever cheap.
5. WiseHelp Hemp Oil Drops
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WiseHelp Hemp Oil is a tincture that gets to work quickly. It is derived from organically grown hemp and contains no artificial ingredients. Just amino acids, essential vitamins and minerals, and potent antioxidants.
What we like: WiseHelp Hemp Oil Drops are an excellent source of essential amino acids and are antioxidant-rich. It’s not the most potent CBD on the market, but is ideal for improving skin, balancing mood, and getting a good night’s sleep.
Flaws: They might have been better off forgetting the mint flavor.
6. Better2Day Pure Hemp Extract Oil
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Better2Day uses the entire hemp plant, rather than just the seeds. Many feel this produces a more potent supplement that is ideal for more serious conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and diabetes.
What we like: Better2Day Pure Hemp Extract is potent and pure and ready to alleviate arthritis pain, pain from cancer treatments, migraines, high blood pressure, and more. Unlike some CBD oils derived exclusively from seeds, Better2Day uses the whole plant.
Flaws: Not that you are likely to need it, but there is no refund policy.
7. Organic Hemp Seed Oil by Sky Organics
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Sky Organics Hemp Oil is rich in omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids and provides a robust dose of essential minerals and antioxidants. This potent supplement will help alleviate stubborn arthritis pain while reducing anxiety and stabilizing blood sugars.
What we like: Sky Organics goes to great lengths to cultivate only the highest quality hemp plants, and their efforts pay off with this pure, potent premium oil.
Flaws: The lack of flavor additives means you get the natural, less than spectacular taste.
8. Genetics CBD Blood Orange
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Despite the name, rest assured there are no genetically modified organisms in Genetics Blood Orange CBD Oil. The hemp used to produce this oil is organically grown in the US, and the final product subjected to rigorous 3rd party testing for purity and potency.
What we like: This is a full-spectrum CBD oil that will provide relief for a wide variety of conditions including psoriasis, headaches, insomnia, and other, more serious conditions. Certified GMO and gluten free.
Flaws: It’s relatively expensive. Though we consider it worth the financial stretch.
Who Needs CBD Oil?
The list of people who may potentially benefit from using CBD oil is a long one that continues to grow with each passing day. CBD oil has proven its effectiveness as a painkiller, mood stabilizer, sleep aid, neural protectant, blood pressure reducer, and reducer of blood glucose levels. Among other things.
So who needs CBD oil? People suffering from the pain and stiffness of arthritis, people suffering from mood disorders, those with high blood pressure, and those having trouble sleeping. In addition, people with diabetes, PTSD, migraines, acne, psoriasis, and those suffering from cancer or side effects of cancer treatment may also benefit from using CBD oil.
Because it is non-addictive and virtually side effect free, CBD oil can be used safely and effectively by adults from 18 to 98. Just remember that if you are currently taking prescription medication for any condition, discuss CBD oil with your doctor before using it.
How We Ranked
Ranking CBD oils is not as simple as reading customer reviews. What works for one person may not work for another. Or, that other person may need a larger dose because they are physically bigger or smaller, younger or older, or have a slower or faster metabolism.
So our rankings needed to apply other, less subjective criteria to determine the relative efficacy of different CBD oil products. Those other criteria included the source material (hemp seeds only or whole plants), the extraction process, and the delivery method.
As far as extraction methods go, those that use heat can have a detrimental effect on potency. Tinctures use alcohol to break down the cell walls of the hemp plant and release the CBD within. While the CO2 extraction method is widely used and considered superior to heat-based processes because it does a better job preserving the potency of the finished product.
The source material was also important since, as a general rule, whole-plant extracts tend to be more potent than CBD oils produced only from hemp seeds. Also, some producers will add artificial ingredients to make their CBD oil taste better or to cover up for other deficiencies. We took a dim view of such products.
Finally, we considered the packaging. Because UV light and heat can undermine the effectiveness of CBD oil, it’s important that producers use opaque bottles that protect the oil. Those bottles also need to seal up tight after opening to reduce exposure to air that could also undermine long-term potency.
Q: What is CBD oil?
A: CBD oil is derived from plants of the cannabis family. While some members of that plant species – most notably marijuana – contain large amounts of THC (the psychotropic compound that produces the feeling of being ‘high’) commercially available CBD oil is derived from hemp, which contains virtually no THC (1). As a result, there is no chance CBD oil is going to get anyone high.
Q: Is CBD oil addictive?
A: Given how highly addictive some painkillers are (2), this is a natural concern for many people. The good news is that because CBD oil contains no psychotropic compounds (ingredients that get you high), it is considered entirely non-addictive. Studies have confirmed that while marijuana, with its high THC content, is capable of activating addictive responses in the brain, CBD oil does not (3).
Q: Is CBD oil legal?
A: Until 2018 hemp was lumped in with marijuana on the government’s list of controlled substances. The 2018 passage of the Farm Bill (4) changed all that. Hemp production is now legal, as are hemp-derived products such as CBD oil. So, from a federal perspective, CBD oil is legal. There are still some state laws in place that were written when hemp was considered a controlled substance. But they are no longer enforced.
Q: Can older folks use CBD oil?
A: There is no reason seniors who might benefit from it should hesitate to use CBD oil. Many doctors in the US are actively promoting CBD oil for chronic conditions such as arthritis and dealing with the effects of cancer and cancer-related therapies. In fact, many older folks who had previously been using marijuana to treat a variety of ailments have turned to CBD oil instead (5). A trend that is bound to pick up steam.
Q: Does Medicare pay for CBD oil?
A: Neither Medicare nor Medicaid currently cover the cost of CBD oil. This is largely due to bureaucratic lag. That is, the hemp from which CBD oil is derived was only recently removed from the federal government’s controlled substances list. While that was an important step, de-listing itself does not automatically result in Medicare or Medicaid policy being changed. That requires congressional action. And congress tends to move slowly.
Q: Do I need a prescription to buy CBD oil?
A: Unlike medical marijuana, CBD oil does not require a prescription from a doctor. It is readily available through scores of online retailers and an increasing number of brick and mortar outlets, including health stores and some pharmacies. Medical marijuana requires a prescription because of its THC content. Most CBD oils contain only trace amounts of THC. Some contain none at all.
Q: Can CBD oil help with anxiety?
A: CBD oil affects the human endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has two components: CBD1 is comprised of neuroreceptors that regulate mood, memory, anxiety, balance, and related functions. While CBD2 receptors regulate our experience of pain. Because of its ability to modulate neural responses throughout the body, CBD oil is considered an effective treatment for anxiety.
Q: What is the right dose of CBD oil?
A: As of this writing, CBD oil dosing is mostly a matter of trial and error. And because CBD oil produces few, if any, side effects in most people and is non-addictive, experimenting until you find the proper dose for your situation should not be a problem. The best advice is to start with a modest dose and see whether that works for you. If not, then increase the dose step by step until you find the right amount.
Q: Can I get addicted to CBD oil?
A: No. CBD oil contains no psychotropic substances (6). Those are the chemical compounds that produce a feeling of being ‘high’ or otherwise alter a person’s perception of reality. CBD oil is so non-addictive that it is often employed to help people attempting to recover from drug addiction get through the worst of their withdrawal symptoms.
Q: What is a CBD ‘tincture’?
A: A tincture is created when plant material is suspended in alcohol for a month or more. The alcohol breaks down the cell walls of the plant material, releasing any medicinal compounds within. Tinctures have been around for thousands of years and are considered one of the most efficient delivery methods for numerous medicines. A drop or two is deposited under the tongue and absorbed directly into the bloodstream in minutes.
Q: Can I use CBD oil to treat arthritis pain?
A: Yes, you can use CBD oil to treat arthritis pain. CBD oil makes an effective arthritis pain treatment (7) for several reasons. First, it binds to neural receptors in the brain that regulate the pain response, effectively shutting down pain signals. Second, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in arthritic joints that are the source of so much pain. And third, CBD oil produces few side effects and is non-addictive.
Q: What happens if I take too much CBD oil?
A: In all likelihood nothing will happen, aside from a possible case of diarrhea or an upset stomach. However, a notable exception is CBD tinctures. Because tinctures use alcohol as their base, (the final product may be as much as 50% alcohol), you could very well feel tipsy if you accidentally consume more than the recommended amount of a given tincture. Because of their alcohol content, people with a history of alcohol abuse should avoid them.
Q: Can CBD oil cause me to fail a drug test?
A: Hemp-derived CBD oil will not cause a positive result on a drug test. This is because, unlike marijuana, it contains virtually no THC that could trigger a positive result. There have been reports of people failing drug tests after using marijuana-derived CBD products. But marijuana-derived CBD oil is banned by the FDA, unless specifically prescribed by a doctor. None of the CBD oils on our list are derived from marijuana.
Q: Does CBD oil work fast?
A: It depends on how you take it and what you are taking it for. If you use a tincture for a headache, you may feel better within an hour. If you take it by the spoonful, it may take a few hours to produce relief. Same with capsules. If you are using it to lift your spirits, provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis pain, or reduce acne, it may take a few days before you start to see relief. And you will need to keep taking it.
Q: How long does CBD oil stay in my system?
A: How long CBD oil stays in your system will depend on several factors, including a person’s metabolism, weight, age, BMI (8), and how much they took. For a 30 year old with a slow metabolism and a BMI of 25 or more (considered overweight), it may take five days or more for the CBD to exit their system. Conversely, if a thin person with a fast metabolism takes a small dose, it may leave their system in a day or two.
Q: Can I take CBD oil on a plane?
A: Some people want to use CBD oil to reduce the anxiety they feel when flying. Or, they wish to bring their CBD oil with them on vacation so that they can feel their best at all times. But can they? TSA allows passengers to carry small amounts of CBD oil derived from hemp. Not CBD derived from marijuana. Now, whether other countries will allow you to bring it in is another story. You will need to check the laws of each country before traveling.
Q: Does marijuana work just as good as CBD oil?
A: There is no denying that medical marijuana has been of enormous benefit to many individuals suffering from a variety of health issues. But marijuana, medical or otherwise, comes with an enormous asterisk in that it gets the user high. Some people don’t mind the effect. Some people use marijuana specifically for that effect. But for many others, the idea of having to get high to alleviate their arthritis or other pain does not appeal to them.
Q: Will CBD oil interact badly with other medications?
A: It is unlikely that CBD oil will interact in an adverse way with other medications you may be taking. Unlikely, but not impossible. CBD oil is known to lower blood sugars and to have an effect on blood pressure and mood. So if you are diabetic or are taking medications for high blood pressure or depression, you should discuss the matter with your doctor before going ahead and using CBD oil.
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In the few years since its production and sale became legal, CBD oil has transformed the treatment landscape for numerous conditions. Today, people suffering from arthritis, high blood pressure, mood disorders, sleep disorders, cancer, migraines, and more have a powerful new weapon in their arsenal. And one that is both non-addictive and virtually side effect free.
CBD oil can be safely used by adults of all ages. It does not require a prescription, is available in a variety of delivery methods, and can even be taken on most US domestic flights. Use the above information to determine which CBD oil is right for your situation.
For cpoe.org’s #1 recommended CBD oil, click here.