The best appetite suppressants reduce food cravings, making it easier for people to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.
Appetite suppressants are available without a prescription and are generally considered safe as long as you follow directions regarding usage.
Appetite suppressants provide a variety of benefits related to weight loss, physical performance, mental acuity and more, and below our experts will detail those benefits.
18 Benefits Of Appetite Suppressants
When used as directed appetite suppressants have the potential to provide the following benefits.
1: Appetite suppressants are safe and effective.
Appetite suppressants have been tested and retested under rigorous scientific conditions and demonstrated their safety time and again. OTC appetite suppressants like those on our list do not include any controlled substances and are not addictive. They simply use ingredients that are well-known to science for their ability to reduce appetite in a natural, safe, and effective manner.
2: Appetite suppressants make weight loss easier.
Sure, you can try and go it alone. You can try and impose your will on the weight loss process. But the fact is, willpower will likely only get you so far (1). A smarter way to do things is to use whatever tools are available that increase your chances of success. That includes appetite suppressants. Trying to lose weight without them will just make the whole process more difficult.
3: Appetite suppressants enhance physical and mental performance.
People often feel sluggish during the day, particularly after eating. The biggest reason for this is that digestion requires a lot of blood (2). Blood that is not available to power muscles or deliver oxygen to your brain while it is involved in metabolic activity. Appetite suppressants help you eat less, which makes more blood available for other things, like physical activity and thinking.
4: Appetite suppressants improve overall health.
Achieving a higher degree of health is why people want to lose weight. And appetite suppressants can help them achieve that goal. The health benefits of getting down to a healthy weight are too numerous to list here. But the cumulative effect of all those benefits is better all-around health and a more responsive immune system (3) that is better able to fight off problems that do arise.
5: Appetite suppressants help you break your emotional dependence on food.
Many of us turn to food when the chips are down. It’s not at all unusual. But the habit of using food as an emotional crutch can be a major obstacle when it comes time to lose weight (4). Appetite suppressants can help fend off the impulse to reach into the refrigerator when things get tough. By helping you break the emotional dependence on food, they increase your chance of reaching your target weight and, more importantly, staying there.
6: Appetite suppressants can prevent binge-eating.
Binging often plays a central role in the development of obesity (5). Being unable to control binge-eating is one reason so many people fail to achieve their weight loss goals. Appetite suppressants can help prevent binge-eating episodes and thereby increase the chances a person will reach their target weight.
7: Appetite suppressants may also burn body fat.
Not all of them, mind you. But many appetite suppressants also promote thermogenesis (6). Either that or their formulas include a thermogenic ingredient that burns fat while other ingredients work to suppress appetite. Many people are convinced that the best type of appetite suppressant is one that does both. And it’s hard to argue against that idea.
8: Appetite suppressants provide a person greater control over what they eat.
When people are not hungry all the time they tend to make better choices when it finally does come time to eat. They are more selective, choose healthier foods, and do not cook or order as much as they would if they were overwhelmed by hunger pangs. This is one of the most important benefits of appetite suppressants.
9: Appetite suppressants are non-addictive.
The type of over the counter appetite suppressants we are featuring in this guide contain no potentially addictive ingredients and no controlled substances of any kind. Most prescription appetite suppressants do include potentially dangerous and addictive substances, and often take a heavy toll in adverse side effects. But again, the supplements featured here do not.
10: Appetite suppressants can help you gain control of your blood sugars.
Eating too much and too often has a range of adverse effects on the body, including a lack of energy and out of control blood sugars. The more people eat and the larger they become, the more resistance they build to insulin, and the more likely they are to suffer roller coaster blood sugars and, eventually, diabetes (7). Appetite suppressants can reduce the odds of that happening.
11: Appetite suppressants let you to avoid fad diets.
People often embrace fad diets because they do not see any other way forward. But fad diets can sometimes do more harm than good and should be avoided if at all possible. Appetite suppressants can provide the missing piece to the weight loss puzzle that enables people to finally say ‘no’ to the latest fad diet and stick to tried and true principles of less food, healthier food, and exercise.
12: Appetite suppressants help you break bad food habits.
Do something long enough and it will be very difficult to change. If you are used to eating foods that are high in carbs, fat, sugar, and salt, or used to eating at all hours of the day and night, it will be difficult to start eating moderately-sized, healthy meals. But it can be done. And appetite suppressants can provide the underlying support you need while you transition to that healthier diet.
13: Appetite suppressants can help you avoid diabetes.
Above we alluded to the link between obesity and diabetes. But it deserves a closer look. If you look at any list of risk factors for type 2 diabetes, obesity is usually right at the top (8). It is no coincidence that, as the number of obese people is skyrocketing worldwide, so too is the number of type 2 diabetes cases. Appetite suppressants can help you lose weight and step back from the diabetic edge.
14: Appetite suppressants may help add years to your life.
Obesity can reduce life expectancy by as much as eight years (9). It can also ensure that the life a person does have is an endless parade of obesity-related health problems. Anything a seriously overweight person can do to reduce their weight is going to extend their life expectancy. And the closer they get to a healthy body weight, the greater those gains will be.
15: Appetite suppressants enhance your workouts.
Many appetite suppressants contain caffeine. Caffeine is often used by gym rats and bodybuilders to get more from their workouts. If you desire to lose weight and get in better physical shape, you should consider trying an appetite suppressant that includes caffeine.
16: Appetite suppressants can help keep you regular.
Obese individuals tend to experience more frequent bouts of constipation than people with a healthy BMI (10). But if constipation is an issue for you, there is an appetite suppressant that can help. Many appetite suppressants use fiber to create a sense of satiety. An added benefit of all that fiber is greater regularity and fewer episodes of constipation.
17: Appetite suppressants help you meet your goals.
Losing weight is one of the most difficult things a person can do. Many compare it to quitting smoking. We have such a complex relationship with food that deliberately denying ourselves the joys of the kitchen can often seem like denying life itself. You need every tool in the toolbox at your disposal if you are to successfully reach your weight loss goals. That includes appetite suppressants.
18: Appetite suppressants are affordable.
Last, but not least, we come to the bottom line: cost. When you weigh all they can do for you against what they cost, appetite suppressants are a true healthcare value. Not convinced? Consider that gastric bypass surgery can cost as much as $35,000 (11). That’s compared to the pennies per day appetite suppressants will cost, with the net result – eating less – being essentially the same.
Some people are wary of taking appetite suppressants, scared that they will become addicted or experience other harsh side effects. The preponderance of evidence, however, points to appetites suppressants being generally safe and effective when used as directed. If you are looking for a way to lose weight that does not include signing on to an expensive diet plan, consider appetites suppressant supplements.